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Art was always around me as I grew up. From dancing to photography, I grew up with kids that were around my age or a little order whose into break dancing and picked up on it. My dad and uncles used to break dance as well, and I see why I enjoyed it.


People think art has to involve a picture or some what. Art can be anything. Fashion is a art that I have interest in because the way I dress is the way I can express how I feel.  Fashion is also creativity, for an example, you put different pieces of clothing together to make a good outfit is what I consider art.


I started finding interest in photography when I hopped on Instagram. Photography is a way I can express my feelings, the more darker photos portray they sadness in me while the lighter or brighter photos express how I feel on my good days.  My skills has improved since taking Mr. Yeager's Photography Class. It made me expand on my ideas as a photographer.

Artist's Statement

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